graffiti, news, videoApril 21, 2010 Vhils, Mar & Dirty Cop spotted Just came across this video, that’s a promo for a Portuguese tv show entitled “Cidade Despida”, that stars our very own actress Catarina Furtado. You can see a Vhils, Mar & Dirty Cop wall that’s located near Fábrica Braço de Prata. At 0:18 And some more graffiti on the background… Share on Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google + LinkedIn Email You may also like OBEY in the streets of Lisboa “Vhils Selected Prints 2006-2016” coming Amália by Vhils Leave a ReplyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Δ
GrafikWalls at Montana GrafikWalls (mentioned here) made a pop up show on October 1st. Was nice to catch up with some of the artists, and to take…