Often times I ask myself… who the hell reads this blog? I know there’s viewers, since I have visits to the blog, but are you really coming here knowing what to expect, or you’re just one of the guys who typed “sex lesson” and ended up here? (Btw, this is a true fact! ahah).
So if you’re on that side, I just ask you to comment here or say Hi. Show some love!
Seriously, keep up the blogging. I might not comment, but I sure follow it!
me too
you know i came here every day.. even before and after you said something about architects. . .keep the good work!!!! =) *
Hey there!
I’m a reader, every time my RSS shouts that there´s a new entry I jump right into here, and outta’ here linking.
We are out there, silent..
like ninjas
same here.
Keep up the Good Work!!
Eu venho ca todos os dias continua b boy.
Eu venho cá!
Só nao comento…mas venho e sei de gente que viu gente que tava a dizer que vinha ca! =p
Por isso…eu ate tenho nas RSS como o Tae ,
Longa vida ao Blog! eheheh
I come here every once in a while and I love your taste…
Big up from Berlin, keep on going and rocking…
A big Hi to you! We are definately here!
you knowuz I comez herez meu!! big love to my man “agarra-te-ao-alvo”
tou cá sempre.. acompanho o teu trabalho desde à uns anos e agora tenho estado sempre atento aqui ao teu site.. tás no “top sites” do aqui do safari.. eheh
Continua! és enorme!
Keep it going…
Também vou seguindo
street art at it’s FINEST!