We got to Almada not much after the opening of the event. Since my camera is acting all crazy the pics are a mix of mine and Pedro S. Rodrigues, an habitué contributor.
Wallmada was put up to showcase the artwork of some of Almada’s artists, whose names are Hesp, Skran, MinimalAnimal, Frame, Ayer, Phale & Felix.
Wallmada exhibition
Come a little closer and check some details
And some outside movement
The show will be ongoing until March 31st. All the info here.
muito bom, parabéns
grandes fotos man. nao te vi por la. abracito fica bem
Grande trabalho da vossa parte.Sr.Baldini…Sempre a bombar!… Skran e mINIMAL aNIMAL, sou um fã dos vossas obras de arte….e claro King Frame… Continuem no vosso melhor, pq a MArgem Sul bem precisa de voçes…. ASS: BLASKO!!!