Looking back at 2010, the first thing I remember is the path this blog took when I decided to take only on Portuguese art, instead of going global. This was the main and probably the best change, now that I look at it. I want to thank you all who has visited and supported this website throughout the whole year. Inside, just like last year, here’s a small insight in to my website stats.
Looking back at the numbers:
Having two years of work, now allows me to compare to last year’s stats, and I have to say a big thank you to all the users:
– Visits: (+381.49%)
– Pageviews: (+369.62%)
Top blog posts:
#1 Faile Temple
#2 Os Gémeos Blu Sam3 in Lisboa
#3 Highlights of 2009
#4 Cascais Artspace 2010
#5 Banksy Movie Plot Exposed
#6 Senioritas
#7 Pra quem mora lá o céu é lá
#8 The Underdogs
#9 Crono
#10 Os Gémeos in Lisboa
Top pages:
#1 Homepage (+444.94%)
#2 Paper (+131.06%)
#3 Spray (+86.14%)
Top countries:
#1 Portugal (+598.26% Obrigado a todos os Portugueses que ajudaram a tornar isto possível)
#2 US (+234.71%)
#3 UK (+296.66%)
#4 Germany (+256.13%)
#5 Brazil (+562.16%)
And the not so famous to my website:
Greenland with 0 visits second year in a row. Damn. I’m making this my personal quest for 2011, get a visit from Greenland.
Top keywords:
#1 stick2target
#2 stick to target
#3 trustocorp
#4 stick 2 target
#5 montana lisboa
#6 vsp porto
#7 vhils
#8 os gemeos lisboa
#9 arm collective
#10 mbw banksy
WTF keywords:
#1,311. beatiful portugál asses
#1,734. facebook zé maria, corroios
#2,080. historias de gangs em portugal
#2,196. judah in weeds
#2,619. no rest in the ass
#2,884. personal hygiene lessons bali
#3,137. sluty female cops
#3,355. target painted on ass
#3,377. tv naked city catarina furtado
#3,478. video strip poker 2010
#3,517. what is the name of a fabrica artist
#3,518. what nationality is jeffery dea
#3,527. who designed massive attack new album miss bugs
#3,692. reality shows in portugal
Funny facts:
– Spammers really seem to like the Gémeos post, as they always come back everyday for more.
Final words
Thank you once again for all the support. See you again in 2011 with more new stuff, and hopefully with lot’s of street art to mention. See you soon.
If I ever visit Greenland (and sure want to!!) I’ll make sure I visit your website. =)
have a great year.
Mr. Target: obrigado pelo trabalho e dedicação que investes (a fundo perdido, por puro gozo) neste serviço público!