Stephan Doitschinoff aka CALMA opened to the public his latest installation / performance in Lisboa this Saturday. The audience gathered for some time before the show, and when the preparations were done, we started lining up by the alley along the walls. A temple was built, and the performance would then complete the piece inside one of the most traditional neighborhoods of Lisboa, Mouraria. Check this great interview (PT only) with Stephan at Janela Urbana to better understand his research, work and religious symbols. Inside this post, a sample of what the performance was like, a one in a life time event.
Brilho do sol
Beco do castelo / Rua das Farinhas (Mouraria) Organização C.E.M. (centro em movimento).
This is has a great Mike Mignola feel… Hellboyish even!
Amazing work!!!!